Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!

While I was getting my Halloween decorations out of the garage I found Logan's costume from last year.

Not a happy turtle
until he got the hat off, and then he went about his normal business around the house.
Any good ideas for a costume this year?


Heidi said...


Asher is a giraffe and Ella is a the turtle still fits with our theme...ha ha ha

I saw your mom Sat. And got together with Jenn Kirk yesterday...when are we getting together? D-land?

Hess Fam said...

I'm telling you...he needs to be a lion with my little scarecrow!

Hess Fam said...

We already have the costumes for Elphaba and Glinda!

Ashley said...

TOOOOO Cute!!!--I remember buying that costume with you last year!...I like the lion idea.

Julia Warren said...

That is adorable. Where did you get your prop 8 button? I went to the site but they didn't have one with html...?

Amy said...

Hoooooooooooooooooly turtle-cuteness!!!!!!!!!! I am just dying, dying, dying!!! I am smitten with that little turtle. I love the "going about his business" with that shell. I could just sit and watch him and die over his cuteness all day long!

I'm still so excited he threw me a bone last night! He left his little blankie...I'm taking good care of it.

Kim Gail said...
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Melissa said...

Audrey fits in her costume from last year too! I love that he was a happy turtle as long as the hat was off. That sounds just like something Audrey would do!