Saturday, February 28, 2009
Nixon Kyle Hunt

He's here! Born at 7:39am in Newport Beach, CA. 8 lbs. 11 oz, 21 inches long. At around 6 this morning Trisha stopped progressing (dialation stopped and contractions slowed) and the baby showed signs of stress (slowed heart-rate, lower oxygen levels), so Dr. Ricci made the decision to take him via c-section.
I think he looks EXACTLY like his brother, Trisha thinks he looks like me.....we'll let you decide for yourself.
We're in recovery now (beautiful view), waiting for a room upstairs (no view). We're hungy and tired, but are VERY excited to add a Power Forward to our team!
Can't wait for you all to meet our boy!
Baby #2 - UPDATE
Still no baby!
- Dialated to a 6/7
- contractions are slower but more intense
- no more pitocin, baby was not responding well to it
- Trisha is tired
- I'm hungry
- Dr. Ricci is here
- Logan should be waking up, ready to watch Handy Manny
- there are ZERO Diet Cokes in this me, I've looked
- we think we have a name
- I'm about to check her dialation progress.....OK, I'm not. I still turn my head when they do it
- I have more equipment/gadgets in here than the hospital does
Another update coming soon....
Friday, February 27, 2009
Baby #2
We're at the hospital now, waiting for this guy to pop (waiting for this kid is becoming a common theme). If you're obsessed w/ this pregnancy (grandmothers, relatives) then you can follow us on twitter (kylejhunt).
- We've been here for an hour
- contractions are 3-4 min's apart
- dialated 3 on arrival, no update since
- 70% effaced
- they have her on a pitocin drip
- no epidural yet (it's coming, the Dr is busy)
- Trisha wants an In-n-Out burger
- there's nothing on TV
- we still don't have a name for this kid
- I'm fixing a server remotely
- we're both concerned for Logan (although he's in good hands w/ Lee and Shirley)
- we're in the room next to where Logan was delivered - GREAT view
- Tiffany is our nurse
- Dr Chu is supposed to deliver (we don't know her, but the nurses like her)
Talk to you all soon! Any suggestions for names?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today is my due date!
No sign of the baby arriving anytime soon
Every night I smother Logan with kisses and hugs thinking that I may be in the hospital by the morning
We still don't have a name
My hospital bag is packed
The house is clean (for now at least)
Logan's bag is packed
My friend Megan is on call to watch Logan until my mom gets here
I hope we will still be friends after she watches him
I've been on many long walks which have resulted only in sore feet
I'm taking naps every day until I have this baby
Maybe I should have taken the doctor up on being induced on Monday
Stay's gotta be any day now!
No sign of the baby arriving anytime soon
Every night I smother Logan with kisses and hugs thinking that I may be in the hospital by the morning
We still don't have a name
My hospital bag is packed
The house is clean (for now at least)
Logan's bag is packed
My friend Megan is on call to watch Logan until my mom gets here
I hope we will still be friends after she watches him
I've been on many long walks which have resulted only in sore feet
I'm taking naps every day until I have this baby
Maybe I should have taken the doctor up on being induced on Monday
Stay's gotta be any day now!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's baby time!!
Nope not for me! Babies keep being born......mine is sitting high (enough to make me short of breath) and low (enough to make me have to go to the bathroom every hour). Here are a few of the newest babies that just joined us, making me very jealous of their unpregnant moms.
My cousin's baby Finnegan Holloway (Feb 15th)
Another cousin Sloane Stoddard (Feb 16th)
Kyle's cousin Griffin Lowry (Feb 17th)
That's one a day! My day will come, but for now I'm going to shove some chocolate pudding and leftover VDay candy into my mouth while I can still blame the excessive weight gain on being least I still have that! Congrats to all the families of these cute newborns!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Logan will be 18 months this week and the nursery leaders let him join in on the fun this week. His teachers said he did great! By the time we got home from church he was so exhausted and ready for a nice long nap!

Kyle and I are in heaven.....we can actually hear the lesson! I have to admit that I missed him a little bit though. It should just be a couple more weeks before we have another one joining us in our classes again.
Kyle and I are in heaven.....we can actually hear the lesson! I have to admit that I missed him a little bit though. It should just be a couple more weeks before we have another one joining us in our classes again.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Double dose of Dr's
Doctor's appointment #1:
Logan had his 18 month check up yesterday. Apparently in the late stages of my pregnancy I have lost my mind and thought Logan was born on August 9th. I've been telling everyone, that was his birthday, have filled out paperwork with that date, and thought that Sunday was the last of us fighting him throughout 3 hours of church (he would start nursery). It wasn't until I was talking to friends last week that I was reminded that he was actually born on August 19th....oops (I was married on August 9th). Oh well, the doctor was fine with seeing him a little early and now I don't have to worry about checkups until he is 2 years old!
Doctor's findings:
-He's skinny (25th percentile) and tall (95th percentile)
-He doesn't have the same love as his mom does for medical equipment (he continuously slapped the Dr.'s equipment away from him)
-He has a viral infection causing secretions to flow from nearly every orifice along with a complete loss of appetite.
-He's developing normally according to all screening tools, but I think he has a screw loose (like me)
-No shots needed this time around!!!
-Dr. Chang was surprised to see him with so much hair. I've been hearing that a lot lately, and it wasn't until I took him out of the shower and dried his hair that I realized he does have quite a bit!
I don't know what to do with it!
Doctor's appointment #2:
Today I had an ultrasound to look at the baby's echogenic focus. I didn't have an ultrasound this far along with Logan, so it was fun and crazy to see how big this baby is inside of me! I had filled my bladder as instructed and could barely walk prior to the exam. When the tech started the ultrasound she gasped at how full my bladder was with a huge baby head resting on it and couldn't believe I wasn't crying (I was inside). Apparently, I have really good bladder control. The little guy is estimated at weighing is 8lbs. 7oz today. He was healthy, moving, focus is still there, but the heart looks great. I can't wait to see him in color!
Then I had a doctor's appointment with my OB. I lost two pounds this week (which Dr. Ricci suggested was probably due to a difference in shoes....thanks doc). Other than that, she checked me and I am closed, darn it!
Logan had his 18 month check up yesterday. Apparently in the late stages of my pregnancy I have lost my mind and thought Logan was born on August 9th. I've been telling everyone, that was his birthday, have filled out paperwork with that date, and thought that Sunday was the last of us fighting him throughout 3 hours of church (he would start nursery). It wasn't until I was talking to friends last week that I was reminded that he was actually born on August 19th....oops (I was married on August 9th). Oh well, the doctor was fine with seeing him a little early and now I don't have to worry about checkups until he is 2 years old!
Doctor's findings:
-He's skinny (25th percentile) and tall (95th percentile)
-He doesn't have the same love as his mom does for medical equipment (he continuously slapped the Dr.'s equipment away from him)
-He has a viral infection causing secretions to flow from nearly every orifice along with a complete loss of appetite.
-He's developing normally according to all screening tools, but I think he has a screw loose (like me)
-No shots needed this time around!!!
-Dr. Chang was surprised to see him with so much hair. I've been hearing that a lot lately, and it wasn't until I took him out of the shower and dried his hair that I realized he does have quite a bit!
Doctor's appointment #2:
Today I had an ultrasound to look at the baby's echogenic focus. I didn't have an ultrasound this far along with Logan, so it was fun and crazy to see how big this baby is inside of me! I had filled my bladder as instructed and could barely walk prior to the exam. When the tech started the ultrasound she gasped at how full my bladder was with a huge baby head resting on it and couldn't believe I wasn't crying (I was inside). Apparently, I have really good bladder control. The little guy is estimated at weighing is 8lbs. 7oz today. He was healthy, moving, focus is still there, but the heart looks great. I can't wait to see him in color!
Then I had a doctor's appointment with my OB. I lost two pounds this week (which Dr. Ricci suggested was probably due to a difference in shoes....thanks doc). Other than that, she checked me and I am closed, darn it!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Valentine's Crafts
Enough of that spider! Kyle and I both decided that we need to start forming traditions and being a little more festive when it comes to holidays. I saw these little packs on Jon and Kate plus 8 that attached to each kids chair and were filled with fun Valentine's goodies, so I decided to adopt that tradition. I would've liked to just buy the packs, but didn't know where to find them, so I ended up making them.
Not a great picture, I'm a horrible photographer. Eventually, I would like to embroider our names on them, but plain with have to do this year. I thought ahead and made one for the baby. They button onto the back of a chair at the kitchen table where each of us sit. Each of them were about $4 to make, although you could get much fancier than I did. Kyle had been instructed to fill mine (forced love). We plan on just putting goodies, books, small toys, etc in them....although a diamond could definitely fit. After I made them, I found a tutorial, which looks much more complicated than the ones I made, but if anyone wants to make them I can send you the link (I'm having problems adding the link...and my go to person is still out of town).
And now I think I will delete the craft blogs from my reader so I don't have the desire to make anything else!
My sewing machine has officially been put away!!
So with the machine out of sight I found this simple project that only took about 1 hour to complete. I couldn't get a decent picture of mine but this is the crocheted heart garland....super easy and also very inexpensive!
And now I think I will delete the craft blogs from my reader so I don't have the desire to make anything else!
Friday, February 6, 2009
I hate when....
Kyle is out of town! Of all the burglars and scary things I was thinking could happen to me while he was gone, I didn't even think of this big guy showing up in the middle of Grey's Anatomy.
It only took me a few prayers, a bottle of 409 (that's all I could find), a battle with the bookcase, and 45 minutes to kill the intruder! I still get shivers looking at it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Final day at Disney
My Disney pass expires today and with a baby on the way I won't be renewing for a little while. I'm a little relieved because Disney trips have been really wearing me out the past month or so. But, I'm also a little sad, because I think Logan was just starting to recognize the characters and enjoy the whole park experience. Yesterday, we met up with some friends to celebrate Collin's birthday.
the birthday girl just wouldn't look at the camera
we ran into pluto....Logan cried
last ride on those horses
just a cute pic of Ash and Ava
the birthday girl just wouldn't look at the camera
Happy birthday to Collin and farewell Disney!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Almost time
I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! I'm 37 weeks along and can have this baby anytime now (although I will probably go past my due date with my luck). As of February 1st my insurance changed back to Blue Cross so this little guy is scheduled to be delivered with my old OB, at wonderful Hoag Hospital, and will be seen by the best pediatrician Dr. Chang! The down side to the swap is that I have been on the phone all afternoon trying to register at the hospital, make appointments, transfer records, etc. I also found out that my OB has a week long vacation the week before I'm due so I'm going to have to work around that.
Last week, Megan planned the perfect little dinner celebration for me. I'm very thankful to my friends for the fun new outfits I was given, which I neglected to take pictures of because they were quickly organized into Logan's hand-me-downs.

I was lucky enough to take a few of these cupcakes home with me, I don't think Kyle even knew I had them they were gone so fast! I guess bragging about my lack of weight gain caught up with me, because I was 5lbs heavier on the scale today....which I think has to be just a difference in scales (but I guess it could be the cupcakes).
Last week, Megan planned the perfect little dinner celebration for me. I'm very thankful to my friends for the fun new outfits I was given, which I neglected to take pictures of because they were quickly organized into Logan's hand-me-downs.

I was lucky enough to take a few of these cupcakes home with me, I don't think Kyle even knew I had them they were gone so fast! I guess bragging about my lack of weight gain caught up with me, because I was 5lbs heavier on the scale today....which I think has to be just a difference in scales (but I guess it could be the cupcakes).
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