Anyone who knows him knows he loves his paci. 2 1/2 years as a solid pacifier user and he's proud of it. You can tell him babies only use pacifiers and he will tell you he is a baby and needs it. No shame.
It's been a long week without the pacifier. Normally as soon as you put it in his mouth his eyes start shutting and he is out. It's magical. Now, without the pacifier he doesn't know how to go to sleep. My nap time has been ruined. My evening time has been destroyed. Now I lay in bed with him, impatiently waiting for his eyes to get heavy. Kyle told me that in desperation he was tempted to stick Logan's thumb in his mouth. Ha!! In my desperation I have thought about how much false teeth would cost so that we could give him his pacifier back.
I just keep reminding myself that he has had it for 2 1/2 years and it will take a little while to get over. He loved his pacifier and so did I!
Oh friend...I am having the same problem (bottles). I am not as strong as you though. Mad props.
Logan is a paci model...luv those paci pics!
Ugh. There's no going back...and that stinks.
Good luck my friend. good luck.
A struggle that I dread having to fight with Charlee...I feel your pain! Good luck!
I feel your pain! Tav is next on the list... uggggh
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