Thursday, June 3, 2010


Nixon is 15 months now. At birth we nicknamed him bean. It isn't really fitting now. He's a big kid. Solid as a rock. Has a mean farmers tan. says uh uh when he doesn't want to do something. gives us the evil eye and thinks it funny. still sleeps in the pack n play in my room. loves cuddling with his blankets. is a picky eater. always wants to go outside. loves giving kisses.
He had his 15 month checkup today. He's in the 95th percentile for weight and height (I think he is only 3 lbs lighter than Logan), he is just a big kid. He wanted the doctor's stethoscope badly, she didn't give in, even with the tantrum he threw. He put his dog blanket in her face and barked at her. He rolled around on the disgusting floor and I couldn't get him to stop. He got a shower, and his dog blanket got a wash immediately. He got 2 shots and screamed his head off, but nothing a little lollipop couldn't fix.

He is our gentle giant.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my gosh...I can not handle that farmer's tan! His hair is so blonde! What a cutie!