I told Kyle to just drop me off the the hospital entrance because I was having such bad contractions. The nurse hooked me up to the monitors and checked me. I was only 2 cm at that time. She said I was still really early in labor which was crazy to me because I was in more pain than I had been further along with the boys. She monitored me for 30 minutes and then told me to walk for an hour and if I wasn't further along I may have to go home. Kyle and I walked for an hour in the basement. I had to stop everytime I had a contraction. A couple of staff walking by asked if I needed help. Yes! I needed someone to get this baby out of me. After an hour of walking I decided to take the stairs back up to my floor hoping that walking 5 flights of stairs would help. Wouldn't you know that their was no access to the L&D floor unless you had a badge. Kyle told me to wait and he would go get it opened for me. But I refused to be left in a stairwell, at night, alone, in labor so I waddled behind him.
Back in my room, I got checked and I was 3cm. But they decided to keep me. Since I was trying a VBAC they didn't really want to help my labor move along at that point. They wanted me to be in good active labor on my own. The nurse asked me if I wanted to sit on a birthing ball and for some reason I said sure. So for about an hour I sat on that ball hoping the baby would drop further down. After every 3 minutes of contractions I decided it was time for an epidural, actually Kyle suggested that I get one at that point. Anesthesia came and had me sit up to insert the epidural, which I wasn't happy with. I much prefer the laying on your side insertion. After about 10 minutes of having it in the sweet medicine kicked in and I was a happy girl hoping to get some sleep. But sleep never happens in labor now does it. Especially when you have a snoring husband. Once I was in good labor the laborist came and broke my water, which had meconium in it, little stinker baby. He checked me and said I was 5-6 cm dilated. About an hour or so later the nurse checked me again prior to starting pitocin and said I was only at a 4 (which I was really bummed about). She started the lowest dose of pitocin. Within an hour I was having a lot of pain so I called the nurse. My nurse was on break but the covering nurse came and let me push the bolus button on the epidural. She asked me on a pain scale how bad the pain was and I said 8. She was surprised it was that bad but said to see if the bolus helped. 5 minutes later I was dying from the pain and Kyle told me to call the nurse. I told him a didn't want to bother them (aren't I a kind patient? I still remember how annoying it is to be called every minute as a nurse). But I called her and she decided to check me. In one hour I had progressed from a 4 to a 10. Anesthesia came back and fixed me up with a little more medicine. I pushed twice with the nurse to see how it would go. They didn't want me to have to push much because of the VBAC. My doctor showed up within 30 minutes. I pushed about 2 times and the babies head came out......and then she got stuck. Her shoulder got stuck. So for about a minute or two things got kind of hectic in that room. The NICU was called to resusitate her, which was then cancelled when my doctor was able to get her out. She got a lower 1 minute apgar score because of her breathing and color, needed a little bit of O2 and pinked right up.
The doctor and nurses were saying how huge she was but to me she looked tiny. I guess they have more experience at sizing up babies because she was 9 lbs 6 oz. Thank goodness she was early. She was much easier to push out compared to her brother and less damage was done although I did require an episiotomy. I have to say that I enjoy the delivery process more than the OR experience, but I still prefer the c section wound over the pushing a baby out wound. Unfortunatley, most of my hospital pictures I look naked in because Brynnley had a little trouble warming up so the nurses always wanted her tucked in my gown on my skin.
I love having a sweet little girl. She's going to stay sweet....right?!
Sorry, Trisha...but I had to laugh out loud at some parts of that story! You are so funny! I'm so glad you and the baby are healthy. Can't wait to see her. Congratulations. She'll be your sweet girl forever!
Love birth stories! Congratulations! They stay sweet... most of the time :) Enjoy all the pink!
Love those chubs! Let me know if you need a bigger size of her baby lingerie!! :)
Congratulations! She is adorable. I just want to kiss those cute cheeks. Glad everything went well and lucky you, 10 days early!
I still cannot get over her sweet chubby cheeks! So dang cute! Thank you for sharing your story, I just love me a good labor story :) Can't wait to meet Miss Brynnley!
I'd love to tell you that they stay sweet. We were hoping the same thing about our girl who has two older brothers. Unfortunately, she has picked up a little too much from them. She knows way too much about weapons, karate kicking people and she could pretend to burp before she was a year old. If you can get your sweet little girl to stay sweet, let me know your secret :). She is so cute and sweet!
Thanks for sharing your labor story! I can't get enough of them. She is luscious.
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