Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Logan started a little "joy school" today. My cousin and a friend both have 2 yr olds so we are taking turns teaching the kids for 2 hours one day a week. Even though it was just with my cousin, I was nervous to leave Logan (remember he's rarely away from me), in fact I bit off one of my nails on the ride over. Turned out to be a nice 2 hours to get some housecleaning done.

Today was all about getting acquainted with each other and the letter A. I probably should have taken a picture before school started when Logan was still shy, this is the best I could get.
My cousin gave me a few of these teething bars for Nixon from Whole foods today. He LOVES them.
Next time it will be a shirtless activity
He started getting a little fussy, so I took the bar away and started cleaning him up....he was angry
So I gave it back, but he stayed mad at me for awhile.
School is at my house next week. My topic is, "the joy of the body" and the letter B. Time to pull out my Anatomy books!


Amy said...

What a cute and fun idea! Logan makes an adorable student. Yes, biscuit eating is def. a topless activity!!!

Julia Warren said...

Ha! I can just imagine you teaching from one of those giant medical books now. Love eating angry photo...hilarious.

Ashley said...

Looks like you guys are keeping busy!!!--like the cute pictures of the boys!

A Rosie Family said...

I would love to hear your ICU anatomy experience translated into toddler learning! What a fun school for Logan.

Love the biscuit pictures. My kids used to get so mad also when I took their biscuits away. Too cute.