Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A new annual passholder

Kyle went kicking and screaming, but I think he enjoyed watching the kids see the magic that is Disney. And since Logan can be very convincing, Kyle purchased an annual pass to Disneyland. I couldn't be happier, I see many fun family nights at the park ahead of us. Logan saw Disneyland from up high, since he got to be held through all the lines.

As for Nixon, he stayed strapped to his mom, just like he always is.


Hess Fam said...

WHAT?! I can't believe he bought the pass. Maybe that's what I'll do for Matthew on my birthday?! I think the kids are very persuading!

Leslie said...

YAY! Now we can all go together...what's a 12 hour car drive anyways!! I'm so excited to see you guys!