Well, we are all moved in minus the office/guest bedroom/sewing room (at least in my eyes) which still needs a lot of work. It was our first move since we got married and I can't believe how much stuff we had in the one bedroom apartment. It was enough to fill three bedrooms. We lost the fish in the transfer, next on my hit list are the birds! Anyways, here are a few pictures of a couple of areas in the house for any of you who are curious.
The backyard (I killed the spot on the grass the day we moved in)

The guest bathroom

My new two loves

Logan's room

I haven't had much time for sewing but I finished this little project that I started a couple weeks after Logan was born. It's just a shadow box documenting Logan's life. I put the pajamas I took him home from the hospital in (thanks Megan).

We also had our first visiters (besides my mom who stayed for three days to watch Logan while I unpacked). Cory and Ashley my bro and sis-in-law came down for the weekend.
We took a trip down to Sea World

Spent a day at the beach

where Logan spent lots of time with his tallest uncle

Who somehow got convinced by his older brother to crawl underneath our house to drill holes for some kind of wiring.

Logan woke up with some crazy hair and squinty eyes wondering what the heck was going on under the house.

and we celebrated the 4th by BBQing (I didn't mean to put Logan in bright red pants for the 4th)

That's about it! Logan and I miss our friends who we have been too busy unpacking to spend time with, and Logan especially misses his uncle and aunt. Thanks for visiting and for the gifts.
Looks so cute! I can't wait to see the rest of the house in person!
Thanks! I've seriously checked your blog like 25 times waiting to see pictures :) Looks super cute, and ROOMY!
Me too (what Jodee said.) It looks SO good... I can't wait to see it in person as well. Love the wood floors, love Logan's room, and LOVE that you have a washer and dryer. I still smile everytime I start mine.
Miss you!
Fantastic job I the shadow box. It's way too cute. I didn't even know you were working on that one! The house is shapin' up real nice! Great work!
Nice place and I love the shadow box. I can't believe you guys have only been in one place. I bet that was sad to leave.
We have been in the same place our whole marriage too, and I do NOT want to move at all. We have to much accumulated junk!
Where did you move to? Did you get your mail transfered? I know my sis-in-law just mailed my shower invite to you, I hope you got it, let me know if not.
Congratulations! Glad to hear that you guys are getting settled in. It all looks so cute! And yes... your very own washer and dryer are DEFINATELLY great and will be favorites for a very long time!!
Ohhh can I say I am sooo jealous of your very own washer and dryer! I can't wait for mine!
YES! I'm loving the update Trisha! Mr Logan is too much in his 4th outfit. He is such a cutie! Your new house looks so dang cute.
Your house looks so cute! Hopefully we can meet up with you guys in a couple weeks when we come down again!
HEY! Where did you guys move to? Your house looks good and your backyard is really nice! I hope you are enjoying the new place! your son is so dang cute!
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