Happy Father's day! Today is Kyle's first official Father's day. I decided that making breakfast for him was way too much work and too early (since church starts at 9am) so last night we picked up some Krispy Creme donuts, which made him pretty happy. I made a letter/sign (from Logan) with candy in place of some words, and found a book from the Ensign book store that provides 201 questions about "Dad" and plenty of space to answer. Kyle is thrilled that he basically got a journal! He is also going to get a new tent as his main father's day present, fitting since he was just called today to be the young men's president in our ward. Lucky him! Other than that he just gets a yummy Sunday dinner (tacos) and cookie salad, which he requested. Here a few pictures of Logan's great dad!! a.jpg)
Happy Father's Day Kyle!!!
By the pictures you can tell what a great dad he is. Kyle is a lucky boy . . .good luck in your new calling Kyle!
Happy Father's day KH !!!! So many cute daddy shots!
Oh, I see Dr Lee in the backround of that first picture! Ohhhh YM's pres. lucky him!!!!
Love all the fun pictures of Kyle and Logan...Happy Father's Day!
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