Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Just last week I was saying that I was lucky because my kids haven't been sick at all. Yesterday they woke both woke up yesterday complaining of a tummy ache and then started vomiting within minutes of eachother.

The good news was that Kyle had the day off from work so we were able to tag team all the laundry, showers, clothing changes, child consoling, vomit catching, etc.

It was a day of nearly total tv watching. I took the opportunity while everyone was lounging around to go do some errands for the baby. When I came home the boys had fallen asleep on the couch. That never happens so I think it is adorable.
Poor Logan is so scared of vomiting. He is very cautious about what he eats and drinks and really rests his belly. Because of that he stopped throwing up around 1pm.
Nixon on the otherhand, loves to eat and drink even when he is sick and I have to force him to stop because he has no control. Because of that he was still throwing up this morning.
It is sad for me to see my kids sick, without energy. But I have to say that they are super cuddly and much easier sick than healthy. No running around, no fighting, no bouncing off the walls. It made for a pretty relaxing day.

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