Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Nixon!

You know the saying "better late than never"? I hate it. I hate when someone says it to me and really hate when I say it. So I'm not going to say it. Here's Nixon's Birthday recap....nearly 3 months late :|

When Logan turned 2 he hid behind me the entire time we sang to him and while his mother opened his presents. Nixon, on the other hand, enjoyed every minute of it. We stood him on a chair at his grandparent's house and started singing to him and he smiled back at us w/ his cheesy grin soaking it all up.

He couldn't get enough! When the song was over and he blew out his candles you would have thought he had just won the lottery...

In a way he did. He got a bunch of toys, stuff that both he and his brother would spend the rest of the night playing with. The dump truck that held his cake was a big winner, as Nixon has always been obsessed with big trucks (and motorcycles, and airplanes, and helicopters, and.....the list goes on).

Nixon got this plasma car from Trisha's parents. The combination of the plasma car, Nixon's chubby little body on it trying to get it to move, and the helmet that barely fit over his big head were almost too much for me. I love that kid!

Before the party started I was worried about how Logan would react to Nixon getting all the attention and presents. It didn't seem to bother him at all, probably because Logan hates attention. Even though we kept telling Logan that the presents were Nixon's, I think he believes deep down that they are his.

A few days later Nixon received a birthday package from my parents.... a water table. Both the boys absolutely love it, although playing on it usually includes Logan pouring all the water on Nixon's head!

After all the presents were accounted for, he got a plasma car, remote control police car, helmet, sleeping bag, handy manny tools, and a play tent.

On his actual birthday (a Monday) he got to come to work w/ me for a lunch date. For some reason my boys love my office (actually it's no secret, if you could see it you'd know why). Getting to spend one-on-one time w/ my kids is always fun. When they are together they are always engaged w/ each other, but when they are separate they say and do things that really reveal their personalities and I always end up learning something new about them.

Here are some special things about our newly minted 2 year old:

He throws some nasty tantrums.

He does NOT barter. "Nixie, take a bite of dinner and I'll give you a candy"....I am soon handing him the candy w/out him actually having a bite :\

He loves Diego, Dora, and Handy Manny (has a thing for the Latin shows).

He is a total clutz. If I had a nickel for every time he falls down each day, I could retire early.

He loves to eat. I say that because he usually eats all his meals, unlike Logan.

He loves all vehicles and has a really loud siren sound that he makes anytime he sees a fire engine, ambulance, or police car.

He loves his brother even though he gets picked on a lot.

He loves holding paper. He thinks dollar bills are just paper. We find them in his underwear.....that's where he stores almost everything if he doesn't have a pocket.

He's sensitive. Even if we threaten to spank him he will start crying.

He always says, "hold you" when he wants us to hold him.

He will let anyone hold him and he loves to cuddle.

He loves his doggy blanket (specifically the tail) and never leaves home without it. He also has a "soft" (blanket) that isn't so soft anymore.

If we see a dog or cat while we are on a walk he goes straight for the tail and rubs it against his nose just like he does with his dog blanket. He has a thing for tails on all animals, even plastic animals.

He sucks on his left thumb.

He was potty trained in December.

His nicknames are Nixie, Nixel, Bean, Beaner and Dweezle (don't ask).

Happy Birthday Beaner!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Cute post about Nix! I love his dump truck cake! Such a cute little guy.