Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Bedtime is a struggle. Since Brynnley was born, Kyle has almost fully taken over the duty of getting the boys to stay in their room in bed (without destroying it). The boys come out numerous times for numerous reasons that I'm sure most moms have heard. "I need to go to the bathroom" "I need a drink" "I'm sick" (when we ask what doesn't feel good, Logan says, "my tongue") "Mom, I have a question for you. Where do you live?" "Mom, I have a question for you. Where does Tami (his preschool teacher) live ? "Mom, why is this called a football?" you get the point!! We started telling the boys that if they didn't stay in their room and go to sleep they would have to sleep in the garage. Logan wants nothing to do with the dark, spider lurking garage. But the other night Kyle was at church so the responsibility of putting them to bed was mine. After they came out of the room about 100 times. I finally said to Nixon, "Do you want to go sleep in the garage?" His repy, "yep." He immediately grabbed his pillow and dog and blanket and marched out to the back door, saying, "come on" to me. I opened the door for him, he stepped outside and that was it. I thought it was so funny so I snapped a picture of him through the blinds (which he obviously noticed me doing). Of course he didn't sleep in the garage. When we asked him why he wanted to sleep in the garage he said, "the motorcycle." Makes sense. He loves Kyle's motorcycle.


Hess Fam said...

That is really funny.
I just noticed how young Nixon looks in your header picture. He has grown up so much since then!

Nancy said...

LOL! Your kids are hilarious! Sounds like you have your hands full!