Sunday, January 9, 2011


Logan started T-ball Saturday. You would never know it but he was excited to play.

However, the first 5 minutes we were chasing him down (the little kid is fast), trying to convince him to play. Dad finally ended up holding him over by the group of kids. Nixon sat under this huge tree for the longest time just sucking on his thumb. Adorable. Logan's facial expression never changed. This is his scared/cautious look.

Finally I told him it was time to stop acting crazy and start playing so he batted, threw, and caught the ball all with me right by his side. The coaches thought Nixon was part of the group also...nope he's just a big.

Logan loved it and talked about it non stop the rest of the day. Next Saturday may be another story when he actually has to go again.


The Gray Family said...

t-ball is hilarious....during Brendan's first game last year one of the kids ran the wrong way on the bases, one day Brendan spilled water on himself during practice and stripped down to his underwear and cleats, he spent several practices trying to sneak away so he could pee on a tree....oh the list goes on and on. Have fun :>)

Dani said...

So fun. I love the one with Nixon under the tree with his blanket.

6ayofa ;p said...

SO cute i like it ;***