Monday, March 1, 2010

Uno party

I don't know if you can really call it a party. I decided that I didn't want to be in charge of cooking so I convinced my mom to have dinner at her house and I just brought the cake, balloons, birthday banner, and birthday boy.

Since I didn't have to do much party planning, I decided to make my first shirt. I got the idea from a blog and copied her uno idea also. The first shirt I made was out of one of Kyle's t-shirts that I cut up. It ended up being about a 3 month old size. So I bought some knit fabric and made one that would fit my big baby. It isn't perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it.

I also made him a little cake with uno cards on the side (use your imagination)

He was hesitant at first until he got one taste of frosting.

Then the cake made its way into his eyes and the birthday boy started crying and needed a shower.

I made a tres leches cake also because we were celebrating my sis-in-laws b-day. She didn't know what I was talking about when I told her it was tres leches (in my white accent). She's from Argentina. I think the agreement between all party goers was that it wasn't the best cake....apparently not soggy enough. Next time. Nixon opened up a few presents after he got the frosting out of his eyes.

Logan thinks they are all his presents

The night ended with Nixon tripping on his pop up tent and hitting his head on the coffee table. it was the loadest thumb and was the size of a golf ball. We were supposed to get 1 year old pictures today that I had to cancel.

I ended up waking up every few hours to do a neuro exam on the kid, he hit that hard.


Heidi said...

CUTE! What a good "patient"mom you are. Uno party.

The Gray Family said...

already??? How did that go by so fast? You have adorable kids. And I totally get the Logan thinking all the toys are his deal...Brendan is the same way :>)